We designed a SMARC 2.0 Automotive Infotainment Vehicle Head Unit (VHU) based on Intel Apollo Lake SMARC 2.0 module from Portwell for our customer from USA. Its a 45 page A3 size hierarchical schematic resulting in a 16 layer controlled impedance PCB. The key features are as under:
The GS Relay is Numerical Protection Relay is designed for use in unmanned substation. The relay offers a feature of IDMT, as well as, instantaneous protection for both over current & earth elements. It accomplishes digital filtering of measured quantities by using discrete Fourier analysis to suppress high frequency harmonics and transient DC components induced by faults or system operations. The front panel features a 8-button keypad & a 16x2 LCD display that provides an user friendly interface. This relay is mainly deployed in industrial installations, distribution network substations and most specifically in Ring Main Unit (RMU) networks for monitoring and protection purposes. The main features of the relay are:
We designed a digital interface to the mechanical flowmeter by sensing the roation of the impellers with ultra low power hall sensors and MCU with built in FRAM. The interface comprised of the sensors, accumulation logic and LCD with BLE and LoRa interfaces. The broad features of this design are:
This is our most prestigious project which incorporated object detection system for Industrial Defects. This utilizes custom object training done using Single Shot Detector (SSD) Deep Learning Model. The actual detection and inference is carried out at edge level using the Google Coral Accelerator. Raw images were shot, annotated, labelled and trained to detect accepted and rejected goods on the conveyer line.
One more defect management station was implemented on a Industrial Linux PC based on Yolo V5.
The Single and Three phase Handheld Energy Reference Standard was designed to be used for energy meters installed in household , industries or in field. The meters are multifuctional including Harmonic Measurement with an accuracy class of 0.5. This product was listed as the best product (2020) in AMI category on the Powergrid Center of Excellence Website. https://sgkc.powergrid.in/kigg.php The customers credentials can be download here Features of the product are:
Our Smart Street Light IoT system is a energy saving system which can control the on/off timings based on Astronomical clock equipped with GPS which automatically sets the lights on or off depending on sunrise and sunset timings. This system has a feeder wise on/off control as well as individual lights dimming control. The individual lights communicate to the Gateway with the help of RF communication. The Gateway then communicates to the cloud through a 4G module. The system allows schedule to be set up for full brightness, dimming and dimming percentage. The system is equipped to generate an alert if any individual light fails. Similarly each individual light or Feeder can have energy management circuits which record the consumption.
The Features of the System are: